Politologen Etmaal. Annual political science workshops of the low countries

3-4 June 2021.

Politologen Etmaal. Annual political science workshops of the low countries

Domestic conflict over the Rule of Law
Conditionality: a Game-Changing Mechanism?

Aleksandra Maatsch

Virtual Workshop

#11 – The Politics and Economics of EU Macroeconomic Policy Coordination: from the European Semester to the Recovery and Resilience Facility

3-4 June 2021

Amy Verdun (Political Science, Leiden University and University of Victoria)
Paul Schure (Economics, University of Victoria)
Valerie D’Erman (Political Science, University of Victoria)

Illiberal Democracies During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Decline or Resilience of Parliamentary Powers?

Aleksandra Maatsch

Politologen Etmaal. Annual political science workshops of the low countries

The European Union: a factor of growth or weakening of national parliaments?

Aleksandra Maatsch