September 2021 – Aleksandra Maatsch attended an online workshop organised by HERTIE where she delivered a paper

September 2021 – Aleksandra Maatsch attended an online workshop organised by HERTIE where she delivered a paper

ERC Workshop – Theorising and Assessing Accountability in Post-Crisis EU Economic Governance

This conference represents the final event for the Leviathan research project (ERC Project No. 716923), whose aim is to explore legal and political accountability in ‘post-crisis’ EU economic governance. The conference’s goal is to both discuss the completed work of Leviathan in collaboration with international researchers and to gather a leading scientific group engaged in cutting edge research on accountability.

The workshop is organised around three over-arching questions:

  1. How should we theorise and approach the accountability of economic institutions and decision-making?
  2. How have accountability-rendering institutions, such as Courts and Parliaments, responded to changes in the EU’s economic governance structure across its most important policy fields?
  3. What scientifically grounded reforms could transform and improve the EU’s economic accountability structure?

By bringing together colleagues in political theory, political science and EU law, as well as leading practitioners, the conference aims to contribute to the legal, political and scientific debate on the evolution of ‘post-crisis’ EU economic governance.

Participants are asked to prepare a draft paper in advance of the conference (which will be commented upon by discussants). Final papers are expected in Fall 2021. We are currently preparing a proposal for an edited book with Cambridge University Press in which the papers will be collected. The book will be open access to allow wide readership of the articles. An advanced introductory chapter (relating the papers to the work of the Leviathan project and posing common questions for papers) is designed to orient the collection.

The conference will take place online.


Day 1

10.00-10.10: Welcome

10.10-10.50: Introductory Presentation

Mark Dawson and Adina Maricut-Akbik (Hertie School), From Procedural to Substantive Accountability in EMU Governance

10.50-12.20 Panel 1 – Accountability in and through the European Parliament


Adina Maricut-Akbik (Hertie School), The Economic Dialogue with the Eurogroup: An Unexpected Case of Substantive Accountability?

Menelaos Markakis (Erasmus University), The Accountability of the Eurogroup

Discussant: Michele Chang (College of Europe)

12.20-13.20: Break

13.20-15.00 Panel 2 – Accountability in Fiscal Policy


Tomasz P. Wozniakowski (Hertie), National Parliamentary Accountability of the Country Specific Recommendations – Effectiveness and Substance

Aleksandra Maatsch (Wroclaw), Flexing the Muscles? The European Semester after the COVID-19 Pandemic

Anastasia Poulou (Administrative Court of First Instance of Athens), Human rights Accountability in European Financial Assistance

Discussant: Katrin Auel (IAS Vienna)

15.00-15.20: Break

15.20-17.00 Panel 3 – Approaching and Theorising Accountability


Roy Heidelberg (Louisiana State), Reconsidering the good of improving accountability

Armin Steinbach (HEC Paris), Building Accountability to Markets: Accountability as Effectiveness

Matthias Goldmann (Frankfurt), Separation of Powers in the Banking Union: The Case for Intra-Executive Accountability

Discussant: Deirdre Curtin (EUI)

Day 2

9.15-10.55 Panel 4 – Revisiting the Accountability of the European Central Bank


Diane Fromage (Sciences-Po), Parliamentary Accountability in the Banking Union

Joana Mendes (Luxembourg), Justification in EU Monetary Policy: Reason-giving and the Possibilities of Contestation

Ana Bobić (Hertie), Constructive Constitutional Conflict as an Accountability Device in Monetary Policy

Discussant: Michele Everson (Birkbeck)

10.55-11.15: Break

11.15-12.45 Panel 5 – Legal Accountability in Financial Assistance


Teresa Violante (Max-Planck Heidelberg), Conditionality and Domestic Constitutional law: The Case of Debtor Countries

Anuscheh Farahat (Nurnberg-Erlangen), Adjudicating Transnational Solidarity Conflicts: Can Courts Ban the Destructive Potential?

Discussant: Paul Dermine (CJEU)

12.45-13.00 Conclusions – How can EMU allow for Accountability ‘in Substance’?

Mark Dawson